Mazingira Recyclers Limited
Mazingira Recyclers Limited is a trailblazing company in the plastic recycling sector committed to building an ecologically conscious and sustainable future. Since the start of our operations, we have been a prominent force in the plastic recycling industry, dedicated to cutting waste, preserving resources, and advancing the circular economy.
Our Vision
Have every home and business dispose of their plastic waste responsibly.
Our Mission
Create social empowerment, income generation, and a sustainable environment
Our Objective
Positive contribution to our environment and its resources for future generations.
Our Values
Friendly: People and environment friendly
Efficient: Minimal handling and cost-effective
Collaboration: Collective actions.
Our Commitment to Environmental Conservation
Recycling is just one aspect of our dedication to the environment. In order to find new and creative ways to improve plastic recycling, lower energy usage, and lessen the environmental impact of plastic waste, Mazingira Recyclers Limited consistently invests in research and development. This will help minimize the ecological footprint associated with plastic waste.